Sunday 13 June 2021

Titley scheme

General edit and tart up, and better photos and film  may well happen by winter 2021. Well that’s the plan...

 (not  a blog just cheapest simplest way of publishing a free webpage)

Site under development. At present a bit back of fag packet.

On Community Land Trusts - THE number one best way of getting free grant money, and extremely cheap interest rate longterm advantageous borrowing for land,  scroll down to the section: Paul Taylor talk in Kington, for a  downloadable audio recording that explains all.  It is worth the listen.

Ideally someone who would end up living in the area medium term should take over this web spot and also I can brief them how to go  forward with these ideas if they wish to attempt to make something happen. House prices  in this area rose by around 15% summer 2020 - 2021, and they aren't coming down any time soon. Waves of arrivals from the wealthy cities into this area during that  period, who are clearly here to stay long-term,  means there will be a housing crisis for the lower orders for years or decades to come. 

Simon  079 five eight 526 three eight one. 

But i wish to pass on these pages and this initial work to someone. 


NEW BIT 23 June just added in below the red.

NEW ADDITION 18 June teatime

Courtesy of the local builders for God whom recommend watching this. I haven't yet. Apparently it is a group building cooperatively for only 'social housing' and they do not end up with equity - so it is very different to the CLT model below. It does show how with cooperation many different things are possible. The CLT version is designed so that participants who would not be able to afford to get on the housing ladder, or maybe have poor credit histories and are precluded, can end up with their name on a deed and that turns into a real asset in the form of equity over time they solely control. 

The Community Land Trust model is described below 

(which doesn't require self build - any kind of house is designed such that the homeowner ends up with some FREE equity and quangos can be extremely assistive setting up  lending via government backed or assisted schemes on top of that so that even someone of modest means can end up soon with some decent equity of their own. Sweat equity is a model which means that someone can be part of construction either as Bob or Beryl The Builder or helping admin or making tea and they get reimbursed by receiving a share of the deed for free reflecting their time on the project but it does not have to be at any intense level - whenever the prospective end user can help) 


new note 23 june

PLEASE note, if we must: radio 4 in the last 10 days there have been half a dozen prominent segments about how this issue - complete impossibility of ordinary bottom 1/3 net worth folk, can ever again get affordable housing never mind their name on a deed, have featured prominently. Westminster Hour sunday went large on the issue. 
The zeitgeist is that all areas of society have woken up to this. BUT they fail in their waffle to ever mention this ONE solution...long in place CLT style approach.

It is a hot political potato and will only get more prominent. The wealthy retirees from the South sold up and bought EVERYTHING, and that simply ramped up as of august 2020 with city flight. It is said there is nothing left to buy for the local families wishing to start out on the ladder. And there are many areas of UK this applies to as well.

listen to the peeps and even politicians 

any questions radio 4  4 June 
the hot potato
and the peeps the next day
any answers

but they never speak of the SOLUTION - or in part, this:


IN respect of the thoughts below on 'Community Land Trust' this is a fancy way of categorising a few people  - maybe even a larger group, combining their time and energy to see through the building of housing for them and their family. It can attract considerable free money through several most tried and true schemes. Where one speaks of 'self build' these would be architecturally approved and monitored houses of better than average quality. The householder-to-be project manages contractors if they cannot do the work themselves. Or has expert professional help in that project management. i.e. it is also a great learning experience. Most CLTs are in fact built in that way using contractors for part or whole of the build. 

 These really are 21st century solutions to an age old problem. Of course there could be a mixture of housing - someone building a CLT house alongside the other CLT houses may have a relative or other important person to them who could afford something larger and more salubrious created by traditional means, within the same overall site.

"self build" is increasingly fashionable - very well established as an option,  and in fact overall far better than average building standards can be obtained.   (UK building standards are known by all experts to be often quite dubious)


The more the local housing situation combined with this matter  - which was initially how to prevent a potentially ugly near 'gated' group of 'executive houses', is riffed upon, a theme emerges. Without being naïve about the large amounts of money in land with planning permission, and then potential pot of gold for developers and how tricky that makes matters, nevertheless after 2020 for example there has been a large amount of vociferous  public opinion around matters such as 'key workers' cannot find affordable accommodation in regions like this, popular with wealthy city escapees. I have noted many posting lament for these less well off people in such roles, now blocked off the housing ladder.

There are ways. And surely it would be to almost everyone's medium term advantage if  new housing in this village were attempted to principles that very much incorporated attempts at modern solutions. And end up even with some 'award winning' balanced new housing area.  The 'award' being for most inclusive community enhancing development. See the CLT stuff below. (plus downloadable great recorded talk in a link on this webpage) 

It is likely that the "levelling up" will be message for some years. The planned way of recovering from economic mire. And that means exactly such schemes - making the viability and future (in rural areas like ours) of the lives of those in the bottom 1/3 more centrestage. With that in mind harnessing the energy around the need for newbuild for the key worker type of person in far more affordable CLT type housing perhaps should be centre to attempts to attract a modern sympathetically orientated developer.  Make that need centre of visionary proposals which of course also have to have a high yield element  - a chance for expensive housing in some areas, so investors make money. 

A few people should act as if that is a possibility. Act as if that ideal outcome will be possible. Mock up some ideal scheme. Emphasising how the budget but high standard housing region is also centre stage. It is a lovely site and if someone has a drone photography setup we should create a little showcase showing and describing the potential.  Create some material about how a more ideal village space could partly arise. Set out a vision. That way investment and some modern holistic developer may be attracted. Some of them want to get out of the cities now, too. 



13 June 2021

FIRST VERY SCRAPPY QUICK DRAFT. and temporary - just doodling for a few people  recently spoken with.

That is not some dry t’s and c’s thing, it is simply that the feelings and opinions of a group of residents rather removed from myself I neither know the latest feelings, nor will I. I have asked around a few i know for latest feelings, but it's not my personal passion.

 (earlier rumours started by me 2016 in Kington post office "[quite loudly]...can you keep a totally secret secret forever...??!!!! don't tell anyone....ever or else.....but we saw one of Trump's scouts sniffing around the Titley site and i had  a word with her and she let slip they were looking at another Towers there overlooking the Pool...they rather like the fancy hamburgers next door...... and she even suggested moving it - Titley Pool,  so their planned new golf course would fit in ....lovely flat space  .." was a cheeky malicious rumour, i do hope, as planned, everyone heard...)

Though all that follows i nudged into the community AND some serious bigwigs over a few years. The bigwigs, including mates of the MP, really picked their ears up at "wouldn't it be nice if Prince Charles came to hand out the award for lovely sustainable balanced inclusive  development and he can put it the next edition of his coffee table book on his favourite lovely sustainable developments of his country.." rather than sneering at yet another newspaper article about horrid exec homes development. 

I attended the first Titley village hall  meeting with many others 6 years ago and several subsequent meetings. I also then as I was worried about a large encroachment upon the local Nature reserve and began many many talks with experts on development.  Particularly the most modern nature and climate friendly development practitioners (by modern i do not mean space age i mean compatible with modern notions of truly sustainable high quality house and community creation – all respecting the surrounding natural systems as far as possible). This resulted in me loosely liaising at some length  (unpaid, no benefit to me) with a TRUSTED developer over a period discussing the IDEAL outcome.

However the word ‘development’ naturally will illicit one thought in most: “back pockets”. Not only  would i myself never dream of asking any developer of potential purchaser of this development land for a ‘finders fee’ or any other such benefit, if I am working with anyone in the near future on what follows I shall actively follow the very latest modern law and norms in democratic society to ensure that no one else will behind the scenes be benefiting in any way that is not transparent. Not pocketing things they haven't earned fully (by working with us – even leading this ) After 2020 haven’t we had enough of all that?


There are ways. Consortiums or a group maybe ending up as a legal entity for the purpose of taking forward some of what follows can chose to operate in a way that is totally transparent. Or can be “encouraged” in all sorts of ways. Yes it is legal and in some walks of life quite normal to surreptitiously record every single conversation or phone call for example.  Youth do it all the time nowadays. It just so happens that a decade back I myself changed UK legal culture in a very hard area of law to ensure indeed transparency must be the default setting.


I have NO interest in any of what follows, and never will, other than if some nice Community Land Trust management group wish to hire me at normal rates to build a fence or hang a gate i love that kind of work and local farmers will attest that my gateposts are as good as they get. I was raised in a  tough N Wales farm environment where jobs got done on the cheap but to last a century too.  


There are of course neighbourhood plans and even village votes, however there are two thoughts I would float. Firstly there are almost certainly nine more years of Boris + co.. I certainly shall not express opinions on that. Except to say that I believe they follow the original Thatcherite vision of a “property owning democracy”.  And thus any planning  law change is surely possible. And with such a huge majority they can do almost anything.

Secondly, surely 2020 has shown one thing: anything can happen. Who would have thought in 2019 in just a few months a whole bunch of supposedly friends of Boris or Matt or Boris’s cat would be bunged huge sums of public money on matters supposedly medical, with apparently very little public scrutiny.


Just posit one possible matter: later in 2021 in theory there will be hundreds of thousands of people eligible for eviction. Rent arrears are not even being discussed in media, they must be astronomical. If that ends up the case, more technically homeless than ever before even if living in some cat basket in granny’s porch, it could be just the fillip that Tories wish...... to rush through a revolutionary ‘emergency’ change to planning.  I jest: “ ehh chaps and chapesses....any currently pencilled in planning approval, as a once only, we are hereby tonight by default going to treble the units in the pipeline of approval”. Not beyond the realm of possibility after the last 18 months.


Back to Titley.


I would suggest, ponder Llanigon, a small village not much bigger than Titley, quite up into the Black Mountains,  a few miles from Hay-on-Wye. And absolutely no reasonable road links, meaning all lanes in and out are narrow, and many go nowhere.

I lived not far away prior to 2012– higher up in hills. I saw: nearly 15 years ago a 3 or 4 acres stretch of land centre of the village was   obviously earmarked for largescale development. It was quite unbelievable at that time to those who would spend time in that village. It seemed like a lunatic notion. Middle of nowhere. Bonkers.


But then over the years between then and now this site was fenced off  - 12 or 13 years ago, and a little site preparation work was done that not only then left the site for years an eyesore, it quite certainly represented in the minds of local residents the POSSIBILITY that anything could happen and one day, no one knew when, the cranes and jcbs would invade. Skyscrapers ...anything...

I have photos but that will take time.


Anyway this gives a little of the story.


but i think your real ‘story’ is in this: Out of the blue, years of hope that things will not happen as they had feared in their worst nightmares – in fact LLanigon with no main road anywhere near is far more sleepy and peaceful than Titley, their worst nightmare:


And i also have photos of what next.  Yes within a few weeks absolute industrial attack, and what I have seen so far on rare visits back that way  - a month ago, completely out of place really horrid huge gaudy bling encrusted palaces seem to be arising. (photos to come). Nothing in ANY way ‘sympathetic’ and this in a location – that village,  that is almost ‘historical’. A visitor essential stopoff of what a small Welsh village was. It has considerable history to it as well. Exactly the sort of place Wales trades off.


TITLEY site specifics.


Seems to me the village should look at being more proactive in seeking  a developer with whom one could build a genuine trusting relationship for starters, making it clear that in all aspects their project  - which could end up a joint syndicate project including local residents being part of the financial structure, if it were done with compromise friendly agreement of the villagers  then in fact their profit potential is better as there would be fewer delays and objections, to the quite likely INEVITABLE. I started to do work in 2016/17ish on just that.


And those living near the possible development area for example Balance Barns must be suffering genuine near panic: when  / if...

Fait accompli is far better for the soul  - get on with it. Get the pain over - of a year or more of the builders in.... and if you are almost part of it – on good compromise terms with all, seems it’s a less traumatic experience.


The keywords here are also as follows.


Sympathetic – meaning in sympathy with the land around. In fact the ancient meadow – until recently a protected orchard, to the South of where this development will happen (i.e. along Eywood Lane), is truly a gorgeous peaceful wildflower meadow that is quite special and great for the soul. Ditto of course the vista down to Titley Pool nature reserve not far over Eywood Lane.


And balanced. A balanced development that houses a range of social positions. 'Modern' may also reflect more work from home changes.


It is quite obvious that this spot is probably one of the most  beautiful juicy development corners of the country. The landscape around most sublime. A few or a handful of latest standard super luxury eco houses there (this is now most fashionable) would attract   a few (‘nicer’?) rollers and shakers; a few or handful of ordinary family houses; and then also in modern Britain in 2021 there must be some modern solution starter housing. A CLT buying enough land to build half a dozen perhaps simpler but high quality homes that could also even be ultra modern shared home workspace units.


click photos to enlarge

This meadow to the south of the site would largely be left as is and is a delightful natural scene just on the doorstep (the development site is behind the hedge).

Looking West along Eywood lane just a few hundred yards from the site. As a regular cycler up this route I know well there are few more tranquil walks.  Very little traffic noise even gets this far up the lane. 

I am deliberately avoiding using the term affordable housing that most know as the biggest con of the century (the particulars at Llanigon being sold by Sunderlands speak of 30% ‘affordable’. Affordable can mean 250 grand not very nice boxes in a noisy corner by the entry and as close to the main road and bins as possible.


photos and video of site  - whole site we believe is intended for sale - maybe 3 acres maybe even 4 eventually.

short videos of site area

standing only 200 yards from the entrance to site


three one  minute videos of the location from 300 yards away

click here

mega filestore three videos

So here we get to the interesting bit:  there are  many year quite standard schemes which enable the ‘bottom 1/3’ i.e. those without the means to buy in to a £350,000 standard family home, to get a foot on the property ladder.


It gets overcomplicated by the usual experts’. “shared equity”  etc... its just as good as FREE MONEY...  for a few people who wish to be part of a  Community Land Trust  who are in that ‘bottom’ 1/3  - not yet able to get into the property owning class at the mid price range. My understanding is property in this region has gone up 15 maybe even 20% in the last year.  

The CLT model is most mainstream, but is just a move forward on the original housing coop concept that was a quite sane development 40 or  more years ago. Housing coops still exist in many European cities. The CLT model can be tailored to fit all ranges of opinions in respect of models of ownership  - from part ownership to full, or staged; or rental for those who would not wish any mortgage type commitment.

There are no special (means tested) qualifications. The only codicil is that these CLT enabled  homes should not be a way to overly profit in any exploitative way, though it is accepted that over time a householder may move on, and of course may normally make some profit after a reasonable period.

Organisations such as Cwm Harry  which are there to assists / support those thinking of founding CLTs,  and an eventual CLT itself,  are organisations that are exclusively  for 'social good'. Non profit. No commissions, no fees.  

And then in a  more balanced ‘scheme’  - meaning the overall development in this whole area, there should be in modern UK a few units that maybe are available for local younger people at part subsidized rates to begin small enterprise. Maybe even one day a small village store tagged on in a corner.


It is all about the Community Land Trust. Although it seems there is a newer term in use these days. I shall keep to CLT as there are many websites still using that term.


And CLTs are so encouraged by government that other organisations that are not designed to profit but are genuine agencies that assist for free residents wishing to form CLTs are also many year in existence. One is dig through the slight hippy bullshit in fact a superb tough talking chap came to give a talk in Kington 6 years ago and here is a recording of that talk.

In fact when I met Mr Taylor for the first time (the CLT speaker - talk below) just after his talk, in a pub i sidled up to him and put my hand towards his crotch, close in: "Paul...right, nice talk... but i now need the TRUE version and one line of BS as i have heard so much self serving false waffle over the years from the do gooders, i cannot waste one more second on such, ever, one wasted second from you, and these get twisted ...and i mean it" 

Splendid chap smiled,  told me the truth  - that all this is very doable - all is real, no false promises for his own glory, a truly viable future in all this, and we became friends for several years before he retired sick.  But his replacement i spoke with a year or so later seems even more no nonsense. 




(MP3 and WAV versions. One will work on your machinery. If not email and I will help find a solution)

 He had worked closely with serious city bankers and masters of the universe – no wallflower Paul Taylor. And there is much free help.

Please let me know if specifically anyone would wish to join me in forming a loose group to begin promoting  - develop solidarity, of a small band who would wish to be part of a CLT that can build genuinely affordable houses. 

The talk linked above is incomplete in the real world way that a CLT member can benefit. In short if one is there helping a little in the background one ends up with 'sweat equity' meaning you get essentially an agreed substantial discount on the amount one is taking as share of freehold. I.e. say freehold cost price £125,000 and the buyer has done some of the work to help create and run the CLT and even some of the basic building or made the builder many cups of tea if they have negotiated part ownership 50% of freehold to start with that gets further discounted by maybe 20 or 20 grand. Its all rather good. And mortgage rates are super advantageous for what ends up being held on mortgage. Maybe even government backed or in effect have similar leg ups.

Also CLTs can be used for SELF BUILD. Self build has really come on and is now very popular. It can mean a saving of 20% or more on equivalent house. A true national expert on self build, friend of mine, David Olivier   lives in Lyonshall and would love to give free advice on this  to anyone as it is all he ever thinks about. 

I myself may try and do some PR meaning even Roger Philips stated so clearly that we don't need any more exec home / commuter developments and if we could end up with a showcase 'award winning" solution all would be far more happy. That would enhance the property values around and about. I may try and get a film made of our attempts - blueprint example to other communities. If we ever got attempting. 

 And please note, every academic for years has been opining that a good social mix in any development is essential. From the Mistress of The Hunt to the bottle washer from the pub next door in one community all mixed in, It's so much healthier. There are few born and bred Titley residents in the 'lower orders' in the village I believe, and thus one or other humble people from around and about  - not necessarily resident, will certainly also qualify as morally eligible.   

CLTs have been in existence many years and are in fact well known as usually creating a happy bunch of folk working together when they can  on a positive shared vision. They create friendships and community. They have been used to buy and reenergise local derelict pubs and other such things, so it is not just for housing.

There have been completely non-profit genuine attempts to seed some CLTs in the region that have not yet amounted to anything and thus i suspect there may well be additional encouragement if anyone is interested in this. CLT developments are created to the wishes of the funders. I do believe there is a successful CLT type housebuild arrangement in Lyonshall. For example if a parcel of land is obtained by a CLT plots can be designated for self-build which reduces cost of a house and is increasingly fashionable, and is a concept around which there are many options meaning managed build i.e some work is done by the  future resident, and some by contractor working with the CLT. Bespoke mix n’ match to an overall community plan for the maximum benefit of all concerned.


I believe there is now considerable goodwill in the village towards some more ideal sympathetic and balanced scheme. Get it done the right way, earlier rather than later,  or years of really horrid  stressful Llanigon uncertainty may be what happens. I also know there is finance for attempts at just such. It may well be that if someone wished to begin more proactively pushing at this (with me at first before i die of boredom as i have had this conversation far too many times the last 5 years and never wish to hear the word Titley again if possible) some kind of humble stipend could be possible for a diligent and keen person to coordinate and promote. It could end up a very rewarding role.


To be edited and more later.

I shall particularly look for webpages where great CLTs in other places and more sympathetic and balanced schemes are described for us to see what is possible if we work together.  I shall list a few of these examples here in time. I alone spoke with the agent of the current landowner (at the public meeting 5 years ago where everyone else was slightly hissing and booing) and i do believe it is always possible to find compromises if we work together. Every day a new day.


There was a  Neighbourhood Development Plan spring 2019

All the official terms and conditions, however with further major stress on rural affordable housing since city flight (real!) from summer 2020 there is surely going to have to be further flexibility.

One term seen in official analyses is Rural exception housing 

from this document

here is one section - sorry it wouldn't retain formatting in a copy/paste - maybe that is a metaphor for the whole difficult dense subject that will keep the village fretting for years unless some compromise solution can be brought about sooner rather than later...and i wish people would appreciate we've all had enough of online research and trying to translate gobbledygook. ordinary people who we need to cheerlead projects such as the above are ordinary humans and have had enough of ts and friggin cs and showoff clever wording.... :

Rural exception housing 4.11 The sites allocated for new housing in Titley and Staunton-on-Arrow are too small to allow affordable housing to be sought as part of their development.6 However national and local planning policy allow the provision of affordable housing on “rural exception” sites. These are defined as small sites used for affordable housing in perpetuity which would not normally be used for housing. They seek to address the needs of the local community by accommodating households who are either current residents or have an existing family or employment connection. 4.12 The residents’ survey canvassed opinion on such a scheme. A majority of respondents (70%) were in favour. When asked about the possibility of allowing some market homes as part of an exception scheme, for example if necessary to enable the delivery of affordable units without grant funding, 57% of respondents were in favour. 4.13 The Local Housing Market Assessment indicates a need for 181 affordable homes in the Kington Rural HMA over the period 2011-2031. Apportioning this on the basis of the number of households7 indicates a need for 14 affordable units over the plan period. 4.14 The provision of affordable housing on a rural exception site will be supported. The extent of local need will have to be proven as a scheme is prepared. As per Local Plan Core Strategy policy H2 Rural exception sites, such a scheme should be sited with reasonable access to the services and facilities offered by Titley or Staunton-on-Arrow. Since Titley is the “higherorder” settlement as defined in the Local Plan Core Strategy, this is the first choice as a potential location. 4.15 It is recognised that the successful delivery of a rural exception housing scheme will require the active involvement of the Group Parish Council and a Community Action is defined accordingly (see CA1, Table 3 in chapter 9). Policy TG3: Rural exception housing The provision of rural exception housing on a small site to meet a proven local need for affordable housing in perpetuity and which is in accord with the requirements of Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy policy H2 will be supported. The preference is for any such scheme to have reasonable access to Titley in the first instance or failing this to Staunton-on-Arrow. Such a scheme may include a small proportion of market housing if this can be shown to be ne